Professional Furnace Tune-Up Services

Regular furnace tuning is just as critical as a car’s oil changes. Without such periodic maintenance, your furnace will lose efficiency as parts get dirty and wear out, and it could even break down completely with little or no warning. Whether your furnace makes strange noises or runs fine, a tune-up will help keep your family safe and warm throughout the winter.

What does a furnace tune up cover?

Sudden malfunctions cause inconveniences for a family who uses the furnace to maintain moderate temperature or relies on the heat during winters. In the tune up of a furnace, a professional technician will conduct an inspection of its parts and repair damaged areas to help the furnace last for a longer period of time. Inspecting the furnace will help prevent any sudden failures or breakdowns, problems on a regular basis, and/or frequent replacements. They can also help the furnace run, saving you money on your heating bills during winter.

During a tune-up, a professional will:

  • test the safety and limit switches
  • pilot system and/or electrical components
  • test the heating elements
  • recalibrate the thermostat
  • check for system leaks and tears or gaps in the ductwork
  • Inspect the major components of the furnace

Why is a tune-up necessary?

There are far more compelling reasons to have your furnace inspected regularly than simply keeping it looking nice. Clean furnaces operate far more efficiently than dirty ones do. Simply having the airflow filter replaced and the coils inspected periodically will improve your furnace’s operating efficiency which in turn can reduce your energy bills.

One critical step in a furnace tune-up is having the pilot system tested. When there is incomplete burning of the fuel there this can lead them home to have a carbon monoxide level that is dangerous. A certified professional can allow you to know if there is a risk of your furnace for leaking such dangerous gas.

Regular maintenance saves money on your energy bills each season, as well as saving money by decreasing the number of repairs needed over the life of the unit. After all, if you don’t take care of it, you’ll have to have it repaired more. Dirty or worn out parts impair the efficiency of a furnace, making it work harder and wear out sooner. Ultimately, it will become too expensive to keep doing repairs, and a complete replacement will be needed.

We tend not to think about our furnaces until they break down on a freezing winter day, which could be prevented by having them serviced before the weather gets cold in the fall. If you maintain it well, a furnace should have a life span of between 15 and 20 years. Many furnaces can last between 30 and 40 years with normal tuning, and depending on the usage limits and other factors related to the environment.

Some furnace warranties may become invalid if the homeowner fails to comply with the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance schedule. There are companies that will only honor their product’s warranty if it meets its maintenance requirements. Even a furnace that seems to be operating properly can benefit from a tuneup that could end up saving the homeowner the expense of a major repair at some point.

How should homeowners maintain their furnaces between tune-ups?

Furnaces usually require very little maintenance by homeowners between adjustments unless something breaks down or needs repair. If something fails or needs to be repaired, furnaces usually require very little maintenance between tunings for homeowners.

Changing your air filter on a regular basis is a good way to help maintain your furnace’s efficiency. When there is a filter that is dirty this can lead to a strain on the mechanical parts of the furnace. You should change the air filters at least every three months if you have pets in the house. Air filters not only will improve your furnace’s operating efficiency but also remove allergens, toxins, and particulate matter from the air your family breathes.

Some homeowners close off vents to control the flow of hot air, but that practice can cause damaging strain on a furnace. Closing vents can also create conditions that promote the growth of mold in the ductwork. Closing vents, contrary to what some homeowners think, won’t save any money in the long run because the furnace may need to be replaced sooner.

Make sure that the area where your furnace vents to the outside of your home is not obstructed by debris, such as animal nests, that can restrict airflow. The best time to check for these problems is when the season changes. In case your furnace is apparently having issues when running, you can in like manner check for this before calling the experts for a fix.